Online fodder tree database for Europe

Please cite as: Luske B., Meir I. van, Altinalmazis Kondylis A., Roelen S., Eekeren N. van (2017). Online fodder tree database for Europe. Louis Bolk Institute and Stichting Duinboeren, the Netherlands.

note: of some trees/shrubs, several analysis values are known. For completeness, all are mentioned

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No selection yet. The first 100 entries are shown.

General analysisSpecific analysis
[g/kg ds]
[mg/kg ds]
Remaining info
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDM
Dry Matter [%]
Crude Ash
Crude protein
Crude Fat
Crude Fibre
neutral detergend fiber [%DM]
acid detergent fibre [%DM]
Condensed Tannins
nitrogen-free extract [%DM]
Digestible Organic Matter
Digestible Crude Protein
Digestible Crude Fat
Digestible Crude Fibre
Digestible Other Carbohydrates
Soil type
Source short
Link to the source of information
Alnus spec
leafoctober40.06.414., TilburgVan Eekeren & Luske, unpublished
''''''june27., TilburgVan Eekeren & Luske, unpublished
''''''june41.05.819., TilburgVan Eekeren & Luske, unpublished
Average analysis results leaf Alder (Alnus spec )
Alder buckthornBuckthorn
Rhamnus frangula
leafyear average0.ález-Hernández, M.P. & F.J. Silva-Pando, 1999. Nutritional attributes of understory plants known as components of deer diets. Journal of Range Management 52 (2): 132-138.
''''''spring0.ález-Hernández, M.P., Karchesy, J. & E.E. Starkey, 2003. Research observation: Hydrolyzable and condensed tannins in plants of northwest Spain forests. Journal of Range Management 56 (5): 461-465.
''''''summer0., C., García-Criado, B., Vázquez de Aldana, B.R. et al. Anal Bioanal Chem (2005) 382: 458.
''''''june-july0., C., García-Criado, B., Mediavilla, S. et al. Anal Bioanal Chem (2006) 386: 1823.
''''''june-july0. organic matterSpainPetisco, C., García-Criado, B., Vázquez de Aldana, B.R., García-Ciudad, A. & S. Mediavilla, 2008. Ash and Mineral Contents in Leaves of Woody Species: Analysis by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 905–925.
''''''july37.06.623., G., 2004a. Gehölzfutter – eine neue Quelle für die ökologische Tierernährung. In: Landbauforsch Völkenrode Somderheft 272: 29-42. Bundesforschunsanhalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL).Book
''''''july0.06.623.26.114.836.620., G., 2004b. Utilisation and maintenance of indigenous shrubs in protected open grassland (Gentiano-Koelerietum) by organic goats keeping. Landbauforschung Völkenrode 54: 45-50.
Average analysis results leaf Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula )37.015.583131.07.026.0
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Almond willowWillow
Salix triandra
budmarch20., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
Almond willowWillow
Salix triandra
twigmarch42., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
Austree willowWillow
Salix matsudana x alba
leafblad 1 mnd0. ZealandOppong S.K., 1998. Growth, management and nutritive value of willows and other browse species in Manawatut, New Zealand. PhD Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North.
''''''blad 3 mnd0. ZealandOppong S.K., 1998. Growth, management and nutritive value of willows and other browse species in Manawatut, New Zealand. PhD Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North.
''''''blad 6 mnd0. ZealandOppong S.K., 1998. Growth, management and nutritive value of willows and other browse species in Manawatut, New Zealand. PhD Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North.
''''''summer0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
''''''summer0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
Average analysis results leaf Willow (Salix matsudana x alba )21.024.0
Austree willowWillow
Salix matsudana x alba
leaf and twigsummer0. ZealandPitta, D.W, Barry, T.N., Lopez-Villalobos, P. & P. D. Kemp, 2005. Effects on ewe reproduction of grazing willow fodder blocks during drought. Animal Feed Science and Technology 120: 217-234.
''''''summer0. ZealandPitta, D.W, Barry, T.N., Lopez-Villalobos, P. & P. D. Kemp, 2005. Effects on ewe reproduction of grazing willow fodder blocks during drought. Animal Feed Science and Technology 120: 217-234.
''''''summer0. ZealandPitta, D.W, Barry, T.N., Lopez-Villalobos, P. & P.D. Kemp, 2007. Willow fodder blocks - an alternate forage to low quality pasture for mating ewes during drought? Animal Feed Science and Technology 133: 240-258.
''''''summer0. ZealandPitta, D.W, Barry, T.N., Lopez-Villalobos, P. & P.D. Kemp, 2007. Willow fodder blocks - an alternate forage to low quality pasture for mating ewes during drought? Animal Feed Science and Technology 133: 240-258.
'''''' ZealandKemp, P.D., Mackay, A.D, Matheson, L.A. & M.E. Timmins, 2001. The forage value of poplars and willows. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 63: 115–119.
''''''autumn0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
''''''summer0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
''''''february0., wetNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''february0., wetNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''february0., wetNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''february0., dryNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''february0., dryNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''february0., dryNew ZealandDouglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & A.G. Foote, 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. Journal of Agricultural Research: 39, 175-184.
''''''summer41. ZealandMoore, K.M., Barry,T.N., Cameron, P.N., Lopez-Villalobos, N. & D.J., Cameron, 2003. Willow (Salix sp.) as a supplement for grazing cattle under drought conditions. Animal Feed Science and Technology 104: 1–11.
Average analysis results leaf and twig Willow (Salix matsudana x alba )5.537.03.369.
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Austree willowWillow
Salix matsudana x alba
twig0. ZealandOppong S.K., 1998. Growth, management and nutritive value of willows and other browse species in Manawatut, New Zealand. PhD Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North.
''''''summer0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
''''''summer0. ZealandOppong, S.K., Kemp, P.D., Douglas, G.B. et al. Agroforestry Systems (2001) 51: 11.
Average analysis results twig Willow (Salix matsudana x alba )8.0
Babylon willowWillow
Salix babylonica
leaf july36.512.818., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
''''''september40.19.419., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
Average analysis results leaf Willow (Salix babylonica )18.0
Babylon willowWillow
Salix babylonica
leaf and twigjuly41.49.612., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
''''''september38.36.311., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
Average analysis results leaf and twig Willow (Salix babylonica )47.02.0
Babylon willowWillow
Salix babylonica
twigjuly50., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
''''''september36., J. & S.E. Dierenfeld, 1996. Comparison of diets fed to Southeast Asian Colobines in North American and European zoo, with emphasis on temperate browse composition. Zoo Biology. 15, 1996, 499-507
Average analysis results twig Willow (Salix babylonica )50.020.0
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Black alderAlder
Alnus glutinosa
barkautumn0.ôté B., Dawson J.O. (1991) Autumnal allocation of phosphorus in black alder, eastern Cottonwood, and white basswood. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21:217-221. DOI: 10.1139/x91-026.
Black alderAlder
Alnus glutinosa
budmarch48., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''march40., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
Average analysis results bud Alder (Alnus glutinosa )40.02.014146.068.522
Black alderAlder
Alnus glutinosa
leafspring0.ález-Hernández, M.P., Karchesy, J. & E.E. Starkey, 2003. Research observation: Hydrolyzable and condensed tannins in plants of northwest Spain forests. Journal of Range Management 56 (5): 461-465.
''''''may0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 12.Book
''''''october0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 12.Book
''''''july0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 14.Book
''''''september0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 15.Book
''''''august0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 15.Book
''''''july0., G., 2004a. Gehölzfutter – eine neue Quelle für die ökologische Tierernährung. In: Landbauforsch Völkenrode Somderheft 272: 29-42. Bundesforschunsanhalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL).Book
''''''august0. loamUKSmith et al., 2017 - Agforward lessons learned report
''''''july0.06.420.54.715. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 6.Book
''''''autumn0.ôté B., Dawson J.O. (1991) Autumnal allocation of phosphorus in black alder, eastern Cottonwood, and white basswood. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21:217-221. DOI: 10.1139/x91-026.
''''''spring0.íguez-Barrueco, C., Miguel, C. & Subramaniam, P. Plant Soil (1984) 78: 201.
''''''summer0.íguez-Barrueco, C., Miguel, C. & Subramaniam, P. Plant Soil (1984) 78: 201.
''''''autumn0.,íguez-Barrueco, C., Miguel, C. & Subramaniam, P. Plant Soil (1984) 78: 201.
''''''autumn0., M., 2002. Laubgeschichten, Gebrauchswissen Schaft einer alten Baumwirtschaft, Speise- und Futterlaubkultur. Böhlau Verlag, Wien.Book
''''''june0.05.626.27.812., M., 2002. Laubgeschichten, Gebrauchswissen Schaft einer alten Baumwirtschaft, Speise- und Futterlaubkultur. Böhlau Verlag, Wien.Book
''''''august38., JazeneuilEmile, J.C., Barre, P., Delagarde, R., Niderkorn, V., Novak, S., 2017. Les arbres, une ressource fourragère au pâturage pour des bovins laitiers ? Fourrages 230, 155-160.
''''''august37.35.619., JazeneuilEmile, J.C., Delagarde, R., Barre, P., Novak, S., 2016. Nutritive value and degradability of leaves from temperate woody resources for feeding ruminants in summer. 3rd European Agroforestry Conference. INRA, Montpellier, 23-25 Mai 2016, France, pp. 409-412.
Average analysis results leaf Alder (Alnus glutinosa )
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Black alderAlder
Alnus glutinosa
leaf and twigapril0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 21.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 23.Book
Average analysis results leaf and twig Alder (Alnus glutinosa )41.0
Black alderAlder
Alnus glutinosa
twigjuly0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 10.Book
''''''may0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 12.Book
''''''october0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 12.Book
''''''march50., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''march51., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''july0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 14.Book
Average analysis results twig Alder (Alnus glutinosa )51.02.09629.547.018
Black elderElder
Sambucus nigra
budmarch28., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''march61., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
Average analysis results bud Elder (Sambucus nigra )20.015738.537.048.026
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Black elderElder
Sambucus nigra
leafjune0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''june0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''june0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''july0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 14.Book
''''''august0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''august0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''september0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''september0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''october0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 3.Book
''''''july0.011.932.44.816. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 6.Book
''''''july22., G., 2004a. Gehölzfutter – eine neue Quelle für die ökologische Tierernährung. In: Landbauforsch Völkenrode Somderheft 272: 29-42. Bundesforschunsanhalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL).Book
Average analysis results leaf Elder (Sambucus nigra )
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Black elderElder
Sambucus nigra
leaf and twigmay0.09.423. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 21.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 23.Book
Average analysis results leaf and twig Elder (Sambucus nigra )46.0
Black elderElder
Sambucus nigra
twigjuly0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 10.Book
''''''march45., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''march56., M. Bomen en struiken als Veevoer. Een alternatief voor het voeren van mineralen en sporenelementen aan biologische melkkoeien. Afstudeerscriptie Hogeschool Delft bij Louis Bolk Instituut. 2002,Report
''''''july0. Becker & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 14.Book
''''''june0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''june0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''june0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''july0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''august0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''august0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''september0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''september0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
''''''october0. & Nehring, 1965. Handbuch der Futtermittel 2. Band. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin. Tabel 5.Book
Average analysis results twig Elder (Sambucus nigra )
GroupSpeciesTree partMoment of samplingDMCrude AshCrude proteinCrude FatCrude FibreNDFADFLigninCondensed TanninsOKNfEDigestible Organic MatterDigestible Crude ProteinDigestible Crude FatDigestible Crude FibreDigestible Other CarbohydratesCaPNMgNaSKFeMnCuZnCoSeCdMoBSoil typeLocationSource shortSourceLink
Black LocustLocust
Robinia pseudoacacia
leafaugust0., B.J., Luginbuhl, J.M. en Mueller, J.P. (1998) The establishment and early growth of three leguminous tree species for use in silvopastoral systems of the southeastern USA. Agroforestry Systems 44, 253–265.


Copyright: Louis Bolk Instituut, Stichting Duinboeren, 2025
We acknowledge support of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Commission through the AGFORWARD FP7 research project (contract no. 613520).
Praktijknetwerk Voederbomen